Originally Posted by polarbear
Originally Posted by bluemagic
My district does understand the term, and is giving us a 504 plan as of last Friday. But.. the email I got today implied that we are going to have to ask for accommodation each time he needs it. It's like pulling teeth. I was just told that for my son to get the extra time my will be allowed for written assessments he will have to work out with the teacher/counselor every single time. This is unacceptable, and so I am going to have to continue to advocate.

Are they requiring him to work it out every single assignment/test or for every single class? I would think that (in a reasonable world…) the 504 would state your ds is given 50% extra time (or whatever percentage is agreed upon at the 504 meeting) for classroom and state testing, and details re an extra day/week/whatever for homework (if needed and agreed upon), things like that - very specific parameters in terms of allowances and limits. It's then up to the individual classroom teacher to work out the details of how that works in their classroom, for example, if he's allowed 50% extra time on tests, it might be handled one way in Chemistry and another way in French class - but both teachers have to give him the extra time, he should not be required to ask for it each time he has an assignment or test.

The email that came home said every single assignment. That seems unrealistic and I'm emailing back and saying this should be worked out ONCE per class and assumed to be used all year. It's really only going to affect English & History class anyway because at this point it's only for written assessments. Not math style test or multiple choice test.

Don't really want to hijack this thread. My point was to say that we did get our district to recognize the 2E. But it still remains to be seen how well they pull off the accommodations. I wouldn't want to be in LAUSD, the problems going on in that school district right now. I wish you the best of luck getting help.