Hi all,

Well I have just heard back from both the schools we are looking at for DD next year - year 0/1

The first school only has 130 students, very close to us and has a very multicultural and low socio economic group as it is not zoned. It has a great rep for disabled children but not really for gifted. When I rang the principal returned my call, invited us in for a tour, explained that although they don't have a GATE program per se, they do have several students who have been skipped immediately, and some who go to diff classes depending on need. They try to look out for each child, it has a very friendly community feel.

The 2nd school has a specified gate coordinator who rang back. No invitation to look around until 6 weeks prior to start, no GATE until end of year 2 (to see who has been pushed by mommy) although exceptional students might be re assigned if needed. Apparently their year 1 teachers are well trained in dealing with different needs.
After year 2 they have several enrichment programs and acceleration within the class. They don't skip. It has a good rep in the gifted community. When asked why I thought she was gifted I told her she was tested which didn't seem very exciting to them - I didn't bother with the result.

Where would you send a plus 99.9% perfectionist? She has her quirks and I get a feeling the smaller school might be a better choice in terms of a more caring environment. Having said that I'm sure she would cope fine in the other school. She is very much the type that withdraws entirely if she is not challenged and looks like she is in need of remedial work... I doubt very much she would stand out as "exceptional" and I worry what those first 2 years would be like.

Guess I'm just wondering if anyone had made a similar choice and had some feedback.