Agreed Dottie.

If he the private school certifies that he has completed 2nd, then the public school has to accept that and place him in 3rd. (provided the child and parent agree). I couldn't tell from the original post, engmom, whether the private school just let him work at his own speed in an open type classroom and he went up through 2nd... or if he was in a structured 2nd grade class. I don't know if it makes any difference, but I could see the school making an issue out of it. Granted, I have no experience with private schools and how they structure their material. But I have some experience with how PS likes to drag its feet. And take my above post with the grain of salt that I love data. Towering mountains of it!!! smile It gives you a good feel for what kind of advances and challenges you need now for your child. And it gives you an indication of what kind of challenges you may (or may not) face in the future.

And I agree completely with the hypothetical social/emotional problems in the future.
Love the <eye roll>, Kriston. LOL

Mom to DS12 and DD3