Hi Engmom,
Was it more Bs or more As? Was there a pattern to the Bs? Due to small motor issues, bordom, or difficulty learning? Are there any issues with 'twice exceptionality?'

I like the "Iowa Acceleration Scale Manual" to put numbers on things. Was your son happy in 2nd grade? If he was bored and underachieving, then I strongly discourage repeating. Why did your Pediatrician say to go to 3rd?

Is you son learning to type? My son also hated writing assignments until age 9, when his touchtyping got wonderful.

Particularly since you are new to the area, seems like a good time to move ahead. If possible, set up some playdates with the older boys where you can see him interact, and then you will know better how he will handle the age difference.

Good luck,

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