Here�s my son�s Suzuki violin lessons story:

When he was almost five and facing another year of pre-school due to missing the cut-off for K, he was evaluated for IQ (at the suggestion of his pre-school). Although he tested as gifted, the retired school pyschologist suggested that he may have attention issues and suggested Suzuki lessons.

We enrolled him with a young man who taught Suzuki from his home while his wife worked at her career away from the house. It seemed like an ideal arrangement for DS- a male teacher who lived less than a mile away with weekday morning availability! The problem was that this young man was already task saturated with the care of a newborn, a toddler, two affectionate cats and a very friendly golden retriever!

My son (and I) attended lessons (supposedly to help with attention and concentration) while the instructor held his crying newborn, the cats circled our feet and the dog�s wagging tail continually brushed my son�s face, all while listening to Telli Tubbies (sp?) on the baby monitor! We quit after 7 weeks into a 3 month commitment!

Even though we were actually out a few hundred dollars for rental and pre-paid lessons I thought this situation was hysterical, even at the time.