We started DS at 5 years on Suzuki violin. It has been a big commitment and there were some years where we fought a lot about practice. If, though, the adults in the household all support the decision and don't waffle too much, I think many families can get through those early struggles. Starting around 11, DS started taking responsibility for his practices. He now plays violin, is a competitive fiddler, and is playing cello in orchestra. He has excellent music reading skills as well. So, for us, the early commitment paid off.

I would suggest that you look at some of the books about the Suzuki method (including Nurtured by Love) and get an idea of the philosophy. Since it is listening-based, probably the most important thing is to make sure they listen to their CD every day. We just plop it in the CD player as he is climbing into bed at night. Some days that was the only practice that DS got. But listening makes a huge difference.

Last edited by acs; 07/15/08 07:23 AM.