Bluemagic, our city Sword Club just started a class for 6-8 year olds last fall. Our son started in the Spring and he loves it. The instructor is young, but very serious, so if anyone goofs around they are out of class for the day. Safety is paramount!

My son does not like fighting, ninjas or anything related. He said he did not want to fence until we went to watch a class and he was hooked. He liked how the teacher was in charge and respectful of all of the children. It's a small group, anywhere from 5-9 kids. They just bought new plastic practice sword that have a sensor on the tip. The kids can fence way longer now because the new swords aren't so heavy. They play games and are learning stretching and how to warm up. In the summer when they do camps they combine fencing with chess. He feels very happy and part of a group when he is there.

If you have a mature kid I recommend talking to the club and seeing if they'd let your child try a class. Our son is ready to move up to the 8 year old class with skill and maturity, but he's not tall enough to compete with 8-10 year olds yet! :-)