Hmmm - my DS6 is actually physically quite gifted and can whack a a baseball out of the park. BUT - he still chooses not to play team sports. We offer the option but don't push it. I think he has a strong sense that it's a bad place for him emotionally. His intensity, perfectionism and anxiety just take the fun out of it for him for now.

On the other hand, he bikes, swims, walks our dog, hikes, etc., and keeps physically quite active. This is imperative for him. Without that physical stuff he doesn't sleep or eat well, and quickly gets into a downward spiral. So - I do think physical activity is a huge help but we don't get it from organized sports.

We also don't get friendship from organized sports. We did facilitate him finding a couple close friends by letting him bring some nerd-ish things to school. He has a couple Magic the Gathering decks in his backpack at all times. He also has a rotating selection of "grown-up" books and magazines on topics of interest - currently super cars and oceanography. It's surprising how quickly other members of his "tribe" gather to him when he pulls these things out. This has been especially helpful in his school after-care setting where the kids get more choice in their activities. But it also helps out at lunch and recess, and that's a time that can either be used for making friends OR awful memories of isolation and rejection.

Anyway - for now he gets solo physical activity and has a few close friendships forming, and it makes all the difference in his happiness.
