Originally Posted by cammom
Thank you for the responses everyone. It seems I am not the only going through this- I think we will continue to try (in a low maintenance, non pressure kind of way) some sports that use a ball. It's a bit about finding commonality with the other kids, but I also think DS could benefit from learning a bit of this kind of coordination.
I'd guess that I am at the 5th-10th percentile or lower (worse than almost all guys) at baseball, basketball, and football but may be at the 50th percentile at tennis. I think tennis, racquetball, and squash are worth trying. Tennis is a lifetime sport -- my dad played with me until his 70s. I enjoy playing with my children now. If you consider sports with Ivy admissions in mind, a relatively obscure sport like squash may be a good bet. It's tough to compete with the mass of talent chasing professional dreams in football, basketball, and baseball.

Regarding popularity, I'll note that I became more popular in high school when the advantages of befriending someone who can help you with math and physics became apparent.