Well, there's the fact that we're talking about Everyday Math, here. If there's a curriculum more detested by people who like and understand math, I haven't found it.

That aside, I don't think it's unreasonable to expect kids to learn to be able to explain math concepts in words. Math is a language, yeah, but it's one that can be memorized without developing deep conceptual understanding, especially at elementary level. It's harder compose a written explanation without the conceptual understanding. So it's a good exercise.

I work in software development and while I'm sure this isn't universally true of all companies, I encounter a fair amount of writing/talking about mathy concepts. Engineers who have the ability to explain their thoughts in words definitely have an advantage over those who don't as far as pushing their ideas and gathering support for their plans.

Though perhaps just not in the way, or quantity, expected in Everyday Math in particular.

Last edited by Aufilia; 09/11/14 04:07 PM.