Master of none, we did raise our expectations at some point. Middle kid is now in 11th grade and takes all AP/Honors (four APs this year, takes two foreign languages). This was the kid that didn't appear to be that bright when she was young, and I declared that she was not college material when she was four.

Her HS combined English/social studies course (offered 9th-12th for those in the gifted program) has a lot of high level reading and there are some very sharp kids in this class - makes for some great classroom discussions.

We also found out that you should raise expectations on all fronts. DH declared that middle kid wouldn't be able to keep up with athletics - even rec sports - beyond the age of 12. In 10th grade, she was the only sophomore to make varsity in her fall sport. She also plays a travel sport (a spring sport for HS), and is going on her 5th year of travel. So yep, we realized that we set expectations too low when she was little.