Hi Lovemybaby! Welcome!

You said:
As you can see I'm so confused. Our school district tests for giftedness twice a year and a parent can choose to nominate their child to be tested. After reading your posts we will take into consideration having her tested. I like your idea about obscuring the outcome from her.

This is good news. I hope the school testing gives you some good information. ((Remember - you are looking for a reading of her "floor" not her "ceiling." ok?))

I really like Deb Ruf's Losing our Minds, Gifted Children Left Behind, and would reccomend it as an "intro to gifted" book. If it's not too embarrassing, LOL, just head down to your Public Library and start pulling books off the shelves with Gifted in their title. If it is too embarrassing, go to a neighboring town! ((wink)) Tell us what you've been reading and what you think.

Your daughter certianly has the intensities that come with being Gifted. Is she or isn't she? Only a private test with a tester who is familiar with Gifted will really be able to tell. On the other hand, one definition of Gifted is ready to learn the things a child of an older age is typically ready to learn, so when you were homeschooling, what do you think her response to Calvert material from a year above her or two years above her would have been?

Remember that there isn't any prize in life from being the smartest or finishing elementary school first - the prize is for the children who learn to enjoy the struggle of learning.

Best Wishes,

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