Lovemybaby writes:
"Many of you speak of spotting giftedness early on because your child learned to read. My daughter did not start reading until she began kindergarten. She started doing Math at about one but had no interest in learning to read. To my dismay this is an area she still doesn't enjoy. She's a good reader and knows well that reading is part of our daily routine so she concedes but rarely on her own is prompted to pick up a book. This hurts because I've enjoyed reading and writing all of my life. I've come to terms with the fact though that she is her own little person and that her likes and dislikes do not have to reflect those of my own"

My daughter was very similar in that aspect. We are a family of readers and writers. My older son is a voracious reader plus he reads EXTREMELY fast. My daughter, even though a very good and competent reader (was always at least three grades ahead on her reading skills)never seemed to enjoy it until.... we changed schools and her new school started to reward her for her reading. Last fall my daughter has read Watership Down for her book report on animal fiction (she is a fourth grader). She reads on her own all the time now.
So lovemybaby, have faith, things do change....