We're lucky that we live in a racially diverse faculty housing neighborhood, including several families of DD's racial group. In fact, the kid next door is the exact same mix as her, and the two of them look like twins.

Unfortunately, though, the largest ethnic minority in our region is hardly present at all in our neighborhood, and her school has almost no racial diversity.

In our case, though, I really think it's the media representation that is warping her sense of what's "normal." She had a breakthrough moment watching the Brandy version of Cinderella (thanks to whoever recommended that!) where she said, why aren't the actors white? And I said, why should they be white? Why do they always make movies with white people? Do we really need more white people in movies? White people! White people! And she laughed and got it, and it's been a non-issue since.

(We are not an adoptive family, BTW. DD is homemade, but with a donor from a different racial group than me. I don't know how/whether the adoption issue interfaces with these other issues of belonging.)