Can you send in the work that she did last year rather than having her do it over again? I sympathize with your plight. DS's teacher last year (before we took him out of the school) kept sending home completely pointless homework with problems like 5+2 when DS already knew how to divide and multiply. She knew how advanced he was but did nothing about it. Finally I wrote a nice note saying that DS would no longer be doing the math homework and that I would find "substitute" homework at the correct level and send it in instead. I was very nice and put a smiley in my note and said that I hope she understands. She couldn't really do anything about it, it's not like they can force a first grader to complete homework. She wrote back and said something like "fine, we'll do it your way" but I think that's when she developed a major attitude about us and wouldn't help us with other things, like DS's IEP (she wouldn't even follow his IEP). If there is nothing else you need from her, then it doesn't really matter, I guess. DS had a bunch of other issues.

If she ignored the MAP results she will probably ignore achievement testing as well. Either people care or they don't, and it doesn't sound like she's interested. Some of the brighter teachers actually use data from tests like MAP to plan instruction, including instruction for the higher kids. The test DS takes breaks it down into specific skills that need to be taught and his teacher (after we changed schools) used that data to give him assignments. Others (like DD's teachers) seem to only care about the overall percentiles and if a kid is above the 20th percentile they check them off their list and ignore the kid, after all the kid is doing well and will probably pass the state test.