Is the teacher flexible enough that she'd let DD do Khan Academy instead? Tell her that DD is frustrated with Ten Marks and greatly prefers Khan Academy (and the reasons why Ten Marks is frustrating for her).

Also, ask if there is a way she can do above-level testing to find out what skills she has mastered and what she still needs to work on. DS took the district math test for the grade level ahead and he did well (99 percent?) so I'm going to ask if they can give him 2 grades ahead. Not because I want to move him two grades ahead, but so we can see what skills are mastered/not mastered. Perhaps if the teacher sees results like that, she would be willing to let her do the correct level on Khan Academy, or worksheets at the correct level. Of course all of this is easier said than done. Our district does above-level computerized testing (like MAP) which is helpful, then parents can just point out the score rather than trying to convince teachers based on their own personal observations.

With DD in third grade last year, she was stuck doing the dumb grade-level math at the same pace as everyone else. Her computerized math scores were very high, which the teacher was aware of, but still didn't seem to see the necessity of teaching at the correct level. She got "enrichment packets" to work on a couple times per week on her own, and the teacher thought that was sufficient. I knew I wouldn't get very far so just did what I could with her at home and let the teacher do her thing.