Madoosa - I hope someone here knows more about those particular tests.

The tests available were different, but both of my DC have hit test ceilings when I was told it was very uncommon. So yes, those ceilings would concern me.

Does the JSAIS have any sort of "extended scoring"?

DS could have taken the WPSSI at 5, or waited to take the WISC at 6. We waited for the WISC and I am very glad that we did. He hit some subtests ceilings on the WISC, but extended norms are available (and I do not think that they are available for the WPSSI - yet).

Also, for achievement testing, I allowed DS6 to take the WIAT this year, instead of the WJ. He hit multiple ceilings on the WIAT, so perhaps he should have taken the WJ.

I hope someone chimes in who knows about those tests...