We have decided (At long last)to do testing for Aiden and Nathan.

Here in South Africa they use the JSAIS for kids under 7 (ceilings are at 8+ for all subtests) and after 7 they switch to SSAIS.

We waited a year for Aiden to be less anxious and over 7, so he will do SSAIS.

Nathan though is the conundrum. At age 5 years and *almost* 10 months he is pegged to do the JSAIS. The Ed Psych called me to chat and is "quite sure" that he will only hit one or two ceilings at this stage, but says that if wait too long (ie after age 6) we need to wait till he is 7+ years for SSAIS rather.

I know Nathan is cognitively more advanced than Aiden. It was apparent from the age of 2. He is an all-rounder - good at anything he deems worth attempting - including maths, reading, science, music...

Would you wait for the SSAIS? Would those ceilings concern you?

Tests are for our own understanding/knowledge as well as future entrance to the CIE (UK Education System) Examination system - here in SA the distance companies request full IQ tests for anyone under age 12 starting towards school leaving to show capability and to request any concessions.

Mom to 3 gorgeous boys: Aiden (8), Nathan (7) and Dylan (4)