Just wondering -- how gifted are your children and what special things were they doing in the toddler years?

I'm asking because I have a DD2.5 who clearly shows signs of GT. However, I'm not having her tested until she's getting closer to going to school. In the meantime, my DH and I are always trying to analyze how GT she might be. Sometimes we think just MG, other times HG or even PG. She seems to be learning even more quickly now than she did just a few months ago.

I know all children develop at different rates and some may not show signs of being GT until later than the toddler/pre-school years. But if anyone can remember some of the special things your child did at this time and how GT they are from tests, I'd be very interested to know. It's perhaps the closest I can get to figuring out how GT my DD is until she's old enough to be tested.
