I think your situation will depend alot on the other children in the class and how your teacher breaks up the students. My DD7 was the similar to your DS last year when she was in 1st grade. She was reading 4-6th grade books before kindergarten and had no differentiating in kindergarten when they were practicing their letters and truly learning to read. That was painful. For 1st she was lucky to be in a class of some higher learners but they don't have a true gifted program in this age so it wasn't really a gifted class. The kids were broken up into reading groups so I am not sure how different the assignments were but the teacher focused on analyzing the books. The books were still far below her level but for analyzing and diagramming the characters and themes etc it was not that bad. Then she got to read alot on her own from the class library. Those books were still below her level but she will read anything and she could finish them in the few minutes they gave her to read on her own. It wasn't perfect but it was not that bad. Hopefully your teacher is planning something like that because this seems like a hard thing to expect a 6 year old to do on their own with a worksheet or workbook. My DD would rather just read so if you want her to discuss themes then it needs to be a discussion and not just writing it down. Then again my DD is quite lazy/slow with her writing so might be less inclined perhaps than your child who sounds more proficient. Good luck.

Last edited by coveln; 08/20/14 01:35 PM.