We will soon meet to discuss a plan for DS6, who has been IDed as gifted based on IQ test. The school is very familiar with him and he was accelerated part-time to 1st last year on their initiative. The area he is most advanced in achievement-wise at this time is reading. Though I do not have numbers (the school may), he reads books like Harry Potter at home. He emphatically does not need any reading or phonics instruction. His spelling is also very good, and his handwriting and writing are good (not nearly at that level, but good--like 2nd grade level or so).

I would like to ask that he not have to complete reading and phonics instruction. But what should he do instead? In other areas he is "enrichable" within a range close to true grade level, but here he kinda isn't. Should he just read? Do a writing journal? Reading comp workbooks? Should he do another subject? Assume unusual cooperation from the school. However, his teacher has a lot of kids with lower literacy and will be busy. There may be a couple of other kids in his class who are strong emergent readers, possibly ahead of grade.

Last edited by ultramarina; 09/12/14 06:51 AM.