Fair warning for anyone whose DD has many more male than female friends...

at some point during adolescence, some of those friends will begin to notice that there is a real, live GIRL in their midst... and a few of them will begin to be interested in a lot more than platonic friendship. I mention that because it is WAY complicated to navigate, particularly for girls who have been significantly accelerated, since those male friends who are now circling like wolves are 2-4 years OLDER, too.

It's not that such girls WILL engage in dating and stuff early as a result, so much as that it complicates friendships and mostly serves as a serious nuisance. DD's generally attitude about this sort of thing has been;

Oh, BOTHER. Not you, too?? Ohhhhh, MAN... you were SUCH a good friend before testosterone toxicity kicked in big-time and ruined everything. I am really going to miss you. I so don't see you in those terms, dude... and while I'm flattered? Just-- NO.

Schrödinger's cat walks into a bar. And doesn't.