Not really. He just started second grade last week. He has a very people pleaser personality; is a rule follower; and a bit anxious by temperament.

He loved Kindergarten.

He complained about the repetition in first grade. Saying things like, "they teach it on Monday and then we just keep doing the same thing Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday....why can't I just come on Monday since I got it the first time?" And "I almost screamed out in the middle of class today, 'teach me science or social studies! Please!' But I kept quiet and just screamed in my head instead!"

On the other hand, he also really enjoyed all the free time he had to read last year and began to enjoy writing as long as he could do creative writing and create poetry or comic strips.

I just received his OT report. They completed a sensory and coordination. Results are mostly average. This is where the dyspraxia (DCD) comes from but not sure it is really compelling.

B-O Test Motor Proficiency: All was average (nothing above average) with these as below. He was 6.6 At time of assessment. Here is his scaled score and age equivalency:

Manual dexterity - low average (16). 5.0 age equivalency
Upper body tone- below average (7). 4.10
Bilateral coordination- low average (17) 5.8

They did a sensory profile too and all is typical except low muscle time is 31/45
And classified as definite difference.

Not sure it helps or hurts our case here.