I am seeking advice on how to best prepare and manage an upcoming school meeting. The meeting is to discuss DS's (2nd grade) potential needs due to learning disability. He is 2e.

- test wisc -IV 2013. GAI 170; VCi 166; PRI 148; WM 134: PSI 98
- test WJ-III ACH 2013. Most scores were in 120s. Spelling and writing in low 100s.
- CTOPP superior scores
- BEERY average

Tester did not diagnose but suspected LD- due to discrepancy, themes in testing; and his testing behavior (anxious and embarrassed versus engaged dying IQ test). She noted he struggled with low frequency and nonsense words; writing/spelling challenges; fine motor
Skills, speed, and perhaps visual processing as crossing midline a lot when writing.

We remediated privately for the first grade school year with OT (Handwriting without Tears) and a wonderful OG Reading Tutor. Both times he rapidly accelerated through their coursework completed half way through expected time. School was in the know bit did not believe LD existed. Admitted they could be wrong as he is you g. They explained his underachievement as lack of listening/immaturity.

We retested this summer 2014 WJ-III Achievement with overall similar global scores.
- he did improve pretty well in reading areas. With a VCI of 166 his broad reading is still a bit of a concern at 98% but not a major concern.
- his spelling improved greatly too!
- he lost some ground in writing and math fluency.
- he was not anxious or embarrassed this time!!
- clear theme that anything involving with motor graphia or speed was depressed.

Tester is diagnosing him with dysgraphia and verbally said she would say dyslexia too but his reading is not going to be a large issue and there is a question whether his reading is explained through visual processing issues or dyslexia...our goal is just to ensure he doesn't develop ineffective compensation techniques. she feels we need to start accommodations for writing--she suggested we stop OT for handwriting as grip is what it is and shift tutoring to organizing written thoughts; shift OT to motor planning/upper body strength/ and ask school for keyboarding lessons and accommodations.

OT reports also support dysgraphia and dyspraxia which developmental pediatrician diagnosed for us based on OT reports alone.

I called district to inquire about process to see if he would qualify for services/ accommodations. I called in June when school was out. The district was kind and shared that typically children qualify when below grade level and I was honest that he is above grade level in all areas...she shared that they will use the discrepancy model for unique cases. I explained He had a 60 point discrepancy between his VCI and writing. She felt that was pretty unique smile and we should meet. School just started and They have requested for us to meet with school and district team next week to discuss. She did share if they decide to evaluate my son they will do a 12-week RTI evaluation.

I have made available the IQ/ACH/CTOPP/Beery reports.
I have requested copies of any assessments/data I can share from OT.

1. I don't have copies of written diagnosis. How important are they at this exploratory meeting? I asked tester and doctors for something I'm just curious as how vital they are to know how important it is I chase them down!

2. in these meetings, I assume the purpose is to discuss if he should even be evaluated. So my job is to present the case and their job is to describe the evaluation process? What do I stress how much do I explain?

3. Do we discuss his enrichment needs at all or only focus on his needs based on disabilities/ challenges? I have struggled getting traction on anything other than a gifted pull out...so any opportunity to ensure we are meeting his ability needs. Is like him in AFTERSCHOOL robotics or odyssey even though he is a year off. I'd like audio books at his IQ level available so he doesn't have to be dependent on reading for knowledge. I'd still like SSA in math but long shot and I'll wait another year to assess if that is a good strategy still.

4. How do I know if we are being evaluated for 504 or IEP and does it make a difference at this point? No one has used those terms.

Literally I asked what The qualifications were for services and or accommodations. I explained our situation. They said let's sit down and discuss.

Thanks for help! Sorry for typos on iPhone.

Last edited by N..; 08/11/14 06:37 AM.