
I would like to ask for some sharing of education and development of a mathematics gifted kid. Thanks.

My son is 3 years old now, and here is his milestones on math:

20m - read and know the numerical sequence 0-9 and know lots of opposite
21m - count object one by one and estimate number of object from 0-3 correctly by sight
24m - counts objects in subgroups, counts objects one by one to 12, knows numerical sequence from 0-29
25m - counts steps to 20 (when walking upstairs or downstairs) and develops concept in fraction, knowing that 8 of 1/8 will make a 1 and 1/3 is larger than 1/5
26m - know numerical sequence from 0 -100
27m - can count at least from 0 to 30 and know how to read clock in hour (o’clock)
28m – Count backward from 10 to 0, write “0” “1” “2” “3” “6”
29m – know the days of the week, months of the year and the words yesterday, today and tomorrow
30m – start interested in addition, can do some simple addition by counting fingers, (e.g. 2+3=5, 5+5=10)
31m - write all the numbers, write equation “2+3=5”
32m – do simple addition mentally (e.g. 6+3, 4+4), intense interest in numbers, knows even and odd numbers and know 0- 600, Count backward from 500, understand simple patterning
33m - do simple additions in ten and hundred (e.g. 10+20=30, 200+300=500)
35m – do simple addition with two digits (e.g. 45+45=90, 24+12=36, 82+85=167)
- interested in and understand simple concept of negative number (e.g. 3-5=-2)
36m - love reading digital clocks, temperature, etc. Start doing multiplication (he memorized the multiplication table by reading the table himself)

I don know if he is gifted or not, (as i saw many articles and find that some kids who are gifted seems more advanced than him) but he is a good learner and he enjoy learning, he always lead what he want to learn and asking me lots of questions. I would like someone to share their experience of having a child with advanced maths ability. What will they do in maths learning in kindergarten and elementary school if they have already learn all the simple additions/substations?

I live in North California , and my son will go to public school. I know his sch have GATE program for gifted kids but it is for higher grade students, right? (The school have 25% GATE students) so what to do in lower grade classroom?

I would also like to know what do u do for parenting and stimulating their maths talent? Any great toys recommend for preschooler?

Oh I have so many questions :P. Thanks a lot!