I'm enjoying the giggles too --- I may have shared this before though.....

DS was 5 and we had already given up pre-reading all his books as he was reading so much - and was mostly into nonfiction anyway. Loved meteorology and geography. I'm probably giving away the punchline by typing this rather than saying it aloud....

Anyway, we bought him a geography book one day at a flea market. In the back seat on the way home, he informed us that Tennesee was the dammedest state in the country. My family is from Tennessee and we don't use that kind of language in our family - so I had a couple of concerns about this.

Where did you hear that?

Right here in my book. Says Tennessee is the dammedest state in the world.

Son, can you please read me word for word what the book says?

"There are more hydroelectric plants in the Tennessee Valley than in any other part of the world."

