"The question is - what do you need that you aren't getting, at this stage of your parenting? "

I think every parent, new or experienced, needs, or at least deserves, a peer group of other parents who's kids resemble their kid, both for an report-back group when we do well and for support. Parenting is work, and we could sure use the kind of support a Union provides.

Cheers to you for keeping your eyes open! If you can arrange your financial life so that homeschooling is a possibility if needed, then I would reccomend you do so. If not, don't worry, it will be what it is.

I wish I had a sure fire way to suggest that you get local support, have you checked into your state's gifted association? Is there a nearby university that has anything?

Another thing to try is to start interviewing your family trees about their histories. I usually ask if they know anyone who grade skipped. Everyone has "baggage" of some kind about school and their own intelligence, and becoming a parent is a good opportunity to revisit these issues if they haven't been "resolved" yet.

Sometimes, one's pediatrician can be a good source of support, as they see a wide range of development. Sometimes not.

Good luck and keep going. Enjoy every minute you can. It's ok to worry. (((smiles)))

Coaching available, at SchoolSuccessSolutions.com