MsFriz: it's funny you say that about the birthday cake. DD(4) is more than happy to share exactly how many more months until she turns 5 but it always makes me a bit insecure. We have to have her birthday party early this year because I'm due with #3 in Nov and her birthday is December. So I'm having it mid-October and am so tempted to not put her age on anything.
Due to her class being Montessori she only has 8 kids in her "group" within the mixed age class of 23, meaning only 4 girls that are third year (kindergarten) so the girls get close.

The moms asked me at the end of the year party how old she was (thinking all of the girls were the same age and "how fun" that they are so close in age). It was June & I said DD will be 5 "soon" ha! I find I say that so often, even this summer.