Over the years, many parents have expressed concern regarding their teacher's/school's/district's reading list, especially when it comes to themes of dystopias, man's inhumanity to man, horror, sex, and certain treatment of death.

Parents are sometimes successful in composing and suggesting an alternate reading list. Some thoughts to consider include: What is the teacher or curriculum trying to accomplish? Why were specific titles chosen for the reading list? What other authors/titles might include the same essential teachable elements? For example, in desiring students to gain a new perspective, or in desiring students to become familiar with famous authors of literature, there are many positive books to read.

You may wish to begin research now, then propose meaningful alternatives as appropriate "differentiation". Some parents have used the website "Every Good Book" as one resource to find alternate titles, with good results. On the "Every Good Book" website, one may find books one wishes to avoid, and next to them may be listed titles which a parent deems appropriate alternatives.

Some teachers/schools/districts now offer a more extensive reading list from which students choose the required number of books; Students gain internal locus of control when making personal choices regarding their education, including which books to read.

Good luck with this... it can be done!