Thanks everyone. DD took Geometry last year in 8th and Algebra I in 7th grade. She got As both times with very little effort on her part, although her teacher never knew just how little effort it took. So she is on track to take Advanced Algebra (Algebra II) this year. The school has her IQ results, although I am not quite sure they realize what they mean. So while they know she is properly placed in math, I think they just think that she is a really bright student, much like all the other really bright kids in her school. She happens to be young for grade (turning 13 right after school starts) but I don't think they take that as an indication of her more unusual abilities. They see her as a ninth grader doing tenth grade math.

We are going to meet with the counselor in a couple weeks and so we are trying to formulate our case given that they have already expressed a lot of skepticism. So hearing other people's experiences is really helpful.

She thought she could, so she did.