
my son was pretty excited about going to Duke TIP camp. He did their talent search in 7th grade (a year ago, now in "8th") and qualified for a "Center." He is currently at the camp and is miserable! It is his first time away from home, but the day is super scheduled, and having been home schooled, well he went to Stanford's online high school, he is used to a more flexible schedule, and having more alone time. They have been very flexible, excusing him from group activities in the evening if he needs alone time, but he just sounds so down and miserable. And, he is not enjoying the class very much. It is a bit of a disappointment for both of us. He has 2 more weeks and I have plane tickets to leave in 2 days! I am not sure if I should pull him or let him struggle through to resolution. He is 14 btw. Any suggestions/advice welcome.