DD6 has spent most of her free time doing imaginative play since she was about 2. Maybe I can say that her life is centered around imaginative play. She makes up stories with anything she sees. Everything she draws on paper, everything she builds with Lego has a story.
She mostly plays by herself, but also loves to play together with other kids. When she plays by herself, she voice acts for different characters without speaking out the actual stories. But when playing with other kids, they would have to speak out the actual stories. I noticed that DD and friends always enjoyed imaginative play endlessly, even if the friends do not normally do imaginative play at home.

On the other hand, math is definitely her strongest subject by far. I guess this made me believe that imaginative play and mathematical thinking do not need to be mutually exclusive, but can actually complement and help each other.

By the way, I think the TV series Backyardigans is wonderful for promoting kids' imaginative play, and it's one my DD's favorites.

Last edited by iynait; 06/21/14 02:54 PM.