I think I didn't know that there was speech therapy that worked on these particular issues. That's good to be aware of. How did you get him diagnosed? I'm not opposed to a diagnosis--it's just that DD has already been screened/tested for a few things and always passes. We end up looking sort of crazy. She's very good at acing tests of all kinds, even when those skills are not great in real life. If she KNOWS it counts, she will tune in, because she is aware of the stakes. But in many situations, it's like...child, are you on Neptune right now? (Yet she has no problems in school--completes assignments on time, hands in all HW, does not lose things...in a school program where many peers are struggling with these tasks.)

Just to make her even harder to spot, DD's verbal IQ is 99th% and she is a fantastic and prolific writer. But something breaks down in certain conversational settings, for sure.