Originally Posted by madeinuk
Bullying is systematic and continues over a period of time. If a child makes one bad choice, it's not yet bullying. It's an important distinction.

It is still an extremely bad choice that needs consequences so that it is not repeated.

I while I agree that one incident doesn't make a pattern, bad choices not nipped in the bud can become patterns of behaviour.

Also, I think if you asked the kid that had their hat stolen or forcibly borrowed I bet it felt like bullying to them because it also meant that they couldn't go out and play outside in the sunshine.

If you do something like that it is appropriate that you miss recess or have to apologise publically or whatever. It is not appropriate to take away an academic activity. If the other kid had taken the hat they would have denied him maths for the week would they. I know it is not quite the same but an adequate education should not be used to manipulate.