DS is in K. He has quite a high IQ and reads chapter books at home. We are planning to advocate for a grade skip at the end of the month, but last week the teacher started having a lot of behaviour issues. They have been continuing this week.

we had an independent reading comprehension test done this year, and he hit the ceiling on the test with reading accuracy at at least a year 4 level and comprehension at at least a year 2 level. His teacher says they have done their standard reading comprehension test, and while he has good accuracy, he only comprehends at mid year 1 level. I don't know what to think. Was the original test inaccurate and my son can read much more than he can comprehend, or is the measure the school is using inaccurate? Has anyone had any experience with anything like this.

They also say his handwriting is very poor, and the first grade kids are not wanting to work in his group because they cannot read what he is writing.

And he has been acting out and getting into trouble. One thing that he gets is a special pull out session on a Thursday, but that was taken away from him tomorrow because he took another kids hat a recess so he could play in the son as he had left his at home. It doesn't seem right to be that his academic extension should be taken away because he is misbehaving.

Also I asked is it possible he is bored in class, and the teacher said he is being given quite different work. And that he gets a lot of special concessions and he is not appreciating them. But he should not have to be grateful for being given an appropriate academic program should he?

I feel really disheartened. At the beginning of the year I felt okay, the school was going to be working on some things to accelerate him. but I don;t know what is actually happening, and I feel like they think I am overestimating his abilities. I worry that he is bored and will be underachieving, and that they are underestimating his abilities. But I don't know how to know for sure.

I did request they use the IOWA test in making the decision about acceleration, and his teacher said they will look into it, but that if she had to recommend now, she would not advocate a grade skip. He is too emotional and immature and he will be outcast if he moves up. I don't know. I feel like ringing up other schools and moving him, but that probably wouldn't really solve much.

Any réponse would be much appreciated as I am feeling pretty upset at the moment.