To the original point of the thread, I think a sensitive balance is involved in transitioning our children from a sheltered life to exposure to the world at large, be it for moral reasons or to avoid some of the ugliness of violence in the world.

I think media that present points of view that oppose our own provide a good opportunity to start conversations with our children about the basis for our views. However, parents are the best gauge of their children's maturity, and I think it is entirely reasonable for parents to limit their children's exposure to challenging or morally complex topics until they determine their children are ready to hear reasoned arguments. There's a delicate hand-off between building a cognitive and moral foundation for your child, and helping them become independent thinking, self-sufficient adults.

As a Catholic, I'm going to have to become proficient at planting seeds of discussion as DS grows older, as my beliefs diverge from secular views on a handful of issues of conscience. I will almost certainly censor his access to some topics, moral and otherwise, until he reaches the age of reason. Pornography is one topic that comes to mind.

What is to give light must endure burning.