We screen very hard here. We do not watch the news. However, we do read. Our local paper has things like community happenings which are more event oriented. He can read this.

Most of our news comes from DH and I screening online news. We usually pick things of current interest (usually science). We will also highlight current worldwide events for cultural exposure. Ex: France will celebrate the 70th anniversary of D-Day next week.

ETA: We talk about historical wars. We talk about why people go to war, when it is good, when it is bad, etc. We talk about conflict resolution, etc. So even though he knows there was a really bad man making some really bad decisions in WWII, he does not know HOW people were treated during that timeframe. (and now back to the original message.)

We do NOT show anything which would trigger personal fears. We are still struggling with a movie watched in preschool with predator/prey themes in it.

Personally, I would be very upset with the school for showing the gore and detail as you described.

We teach tolerance and respect by noting how wonderfully different characteristics from different people enrich our lives. We also teach that everyone is different and unique. We also have a lot of discussions as to how paradigms influence decisions and that's ok.

Last edited by Portia; 05/31/14 05:15 PM.