Originally Posted by Nutmeg
Hi...been following this thread.

My 5th grader will be taking honors algebra next year as a 6th grader... Would love to hear back from others who had a child take algebra in 6th grade!

My ds just is just finishing up Alg and 6th grade. It's worked out just fine. This quarter, he has 100% on quizzes, 97% on tests, and 89% on homework, for an overall grade of just under 97%. It's been the same all year, although his homework grade was better (there are only 4-5 graded homework assignments a quarter, and he managed to leave one in his locker this quarter). He is with gifted 7th graders taking the class, and will be bused to the HS in 8th for first period, and then brought back to the MS. It's not ideal (might interfere with some extracurricular music in the morning, but they are pretty flexible), but I think it will work out. At our school, it's not "normal," but it's not so unusual. A lot actually just depends on the teacher/principal at elementary and whether they're willing to make it happen. Older son is taking Geometry in 8th this year and could probably sleep through Alg II/Trig next year, but when he was at the crucial point, we had a principal who didn't believe in acceleration (because of the way math acceleration works, they're usually only willing to do extra in certain years when it won't result in a 'double' skip.

Younger ds was bussed to MS last year and it was great-I think that part of the reason he was chosen as a peer mediator and peer guide for other students this year was because the transition to MS was relaxed and comfortable for him. In HS, he can take Pre-Calc, BC Calc, Calc III, AP Stats, AP Computer Science, and frankly, if he suddenly decided he wants to take no math his senior year because he's going to be a music major, I'm fine with that too.

I would have had NO problem pulling him back to pre-Alg if I thought he was struggling and I don't think anyone would have cared. The other 6th grade kids are very supportive when it (rarely) comes up and the 7th graders are welcoming and friendly. Add in the 8th graders he knows because of his brother and it's great that he seems to know everyone in a very large school!

Good luck to your daughter - my son seems to enjoy class more the closer it is to his level.