Originally Posted by master of none
As long as he embraces summer school, sounds like a great plan and a wonderfully accommodating school.

Remember you can always go backward. In our school system, about a third of the kids take alg in7th and geom 8th. It doesn't take a high level of giftedness. My bigger concern would be that if your son is very gifted in math, the summer will pique his interest and then the other classes will still be rather slow for him.

At least that's what's happening here! The more you give, the more they want. Danged selfish kids (don't attack me, I'm kidding!)


One third of your 7th graders taking Algebra? I think the people that I met with today would fall on the floor if they heard that.

Another good thing to come of this: if my son embraces summer, and does well in Algebra next year, it would encourage more outside of the box thinking, and more readiness to accelerate for my son and any other child coming into their schools.