I second what polarbear said about possible changes at preschool...

DS, now 8, enjoyed his first year of preschool. Soon into his second year, he began dragging his feet as we approached the entrance, and on a few occasions I had to pick him up and carry him over the threshold! He had a different set of teachers the second year, but it was well into the year before this change came over him.

I later learned the new teachers weren't as friendly, but not because he said anything. When I withdrew him from preschool and went to retrieve his extra clothes, etc., the teachers saw us in the hall (it was during nap time) and didn't even acknowledge him. Not a goodbye, sorry to see you go, nothing. And he was not a difficult student at all. He's ridiculously laid-back, and other staff could not praise him enough for being a "model" kid.

Btw, at the time I pulled him out, his goal at school was to learn to write just the letters in his first name (only has 5 letters!). Well, when I began homeschooling him, it became clear he was well beyond that and in fact, reading independently, could write complete sentences, with proper spelling, etc.

I think there's something to be said for children's innate ability to sense when people/environment isn't a good match, even if they can't quite articulate that.

Last edited by thestr0ng1; 05/16/14 04:13 AM. Reason: Edited to correct age. Yikes! I only wish my DS were still a "baby"