My DD is at her 3rd (!) preschool for the year although we weren't very committed to her first 2 schools. With children on a "quirky" developmental path, it might take a few trials before you find the right setting for your DD.

DD met her social match at her current preschool. I've been talking to DD about not just playing with one special friend all the time and how it's better to make everyone feel included. She took my advice and now she says all boys at her school are her boyfriends. I don't think they feel the same way about her. crazy

She was a very social baby and toddler but she definitely went through a phase when she seemed to have given up on her age-peers. We took a break from preschool and when she started at her current school, she was ready to socialize and it helped that there were older homeschooled children who are mostly very sweet and kind (school runs from 3 to 7). I'm glad that I didn't give up and kept on looking for a good fit but still not sure if I can find her a good K for her.