LMom, I can't even figure that out on Singapore Math, LOL! There is a US version and a Singapore version and some other version, as I recall, on Singapore Math. I spent forever comparing them and think I ended up with the US version because it covers something sooner than the Singapore version - maybe probability? It didn't even occur to me to check out the Singapore version of HeyMath - but we're trying the US version. I doubt it really matters, as it looks like little lectures and practice, and doesn't appear to be tied to specific lessons so much as specific topics. Also, from what I read the founders were in India with no ties to Singapore Math. I read was that HeyMath! was developed with the intention of fostering creativity in Asian taught math, as the rote side of things was so highly emphasized (and the American system is thought to emphasize the opposite). In any event, check out the multiplication practice on the computer (I found it in Grade 3 math). It's amusing trying to write on the computer with a pencil controlled by the mouse. DS hasn't tried it, but he was amused by how horribly I wrote. Just wait until he tries it!