DD(4) stopped the day she turned 2. She was very determined she didn't need one. It was miserable for everyone. She would scream and scream then even scream after I went to get her and tried to play. Once we stopped we had to move bedtime a little earlier but no more screaming mid-day. I pushed the nap because I thought she was "supposed" to get one. This I think influenced the way I handled our second DD's naps.

DD(almost 2) stopped at about 18months or earlier but started skipping them when she wanted around 10months. I only gave her a nap when she really needed it or wanted it. She stopped needing even that around 18months. Occasionally she will still nap if we are in a longish car ride around noon-2. But doesn't need one.

We have a very early bedtime (6:30) and DD(almost 2) wakes up at 7. DD(4) doesn't sleep much. Not sure when she goes to bed or wakes up but we have a "sun" that tells her she can't come out of her room until 6:30am. She comes out of her room dressed in her uniform as hyper as can be the second that sun turns yellow. She plays in her room for quite a while every night before going to bed.