Originally Posted by Cynthialcy
So when did your LO out grow it?


When I complained to my friends and my parent that my LO is too picky and doesn't nap, they all blame me on my parenting style.

As for growing out of it, I hesitate to say. In part because I don't want to terrify anyone who is currently in the trenches, but also because it didn't really stop so much as slowly improve over time.

Fortunately our families did understand, because DH and I were just the same. On the other hand, they weren't hugely sympathetic... because DH and I were just the same. smile

We honestly tried everything. Every technique we could find. Even things that we were committed to never doing and feel somewhat guilty about even trying (letting her cry in out in a dark room alone made our hearts break... and still didn't have the desired effect). If we had it to do over, we'd probably spend way less energy on bedtimes and naps (just give up and roll with it basically) and focus more on the colic and night terrors and getting out of bed all night.