I have 3 kids: DS7, DD3, DD2. No one sleeps in my house like a normal person. No one ever has. None of them want to nap - unless we are in the car and the car is moving. (The 7 year old doesn't nap regularly, obviously. But if we go for a car ride that is longer than 30 mins or so, he'll still nap!) The 3 yo and the 2 yo will occasionally nap in the stroller or after they've had a particularly exhausting morning (ex. running in snow).

I gave up trying to get any of them to nap at regular times or for regular lengths. Generally speaking, they are all pretty pleasant kids (most of the time) and don't seem to suffer from their lack of sleep. They all sleep about 9-11 hours a night.

As far as what they do during the day when not napping - read, read, read, read, read, ask me to teach them how to do everything, drag out the real toolbox and ask me how to fix things, the 3 year old has begun engaging in theological discussions with me, run around the playground, ride public transportation in our city, go to museums - you know, basically
(delightfully) they spend the day exhausting me.