It sounds like she advocated for herself beautifully on the horseback riding!

For extracurriculars, maybe a brief, non-informative "she sometimes struggles in new activities like this. Let me know if you have any struggles, and maybe I can help brainstorm ways to work together."

I coach soccer and the range of abilities is extreme. I do wish I could have support for a few of the kids, just to know what works for them and what doesn't. I find one mom rather irritating, though, as she's (justifiably) rather protective of her son's physical and emotional state. The thing is, I can see he's got a long ways to go, and I can coach it if she'd just get out of the way. (Though yes, I admit, I bet few volunteer community coaches are familiar with 2e issues...) Anyways, I'm glad I know there's a health history there and that I can ask mom questions if I have them.