Yeah, it's pretty noticeable. She has 40 points difference between her verbal comprehension and visual perception, 50 points each between verbal and both working memory and processing speed. She also has significant fine motor deficits and has been diagnosed with a laundry list of LDs. Because of some bad experiences she has a PTSD type reaction to adults get angry or kids who behave aggressively.

Because of the dyspraxia and slow processing speed she is always a beat or 2 behind which means she is the kid who bares the brunt of adults' frustrations when kids are misbehaving, even if she is not involved. So all those adults who don't get it and view her disabilities as defiance or disobedience think it is up to them to give her a good dose of "discipline." If we explain in advance that there are neurological issues most adults will give her the benefit of the doubt even if they don't actually understand (or accept) it. For example recently her horseback riding instructor noticed she *always* posted on the wrong leg. DD commented that she gets her "b"s and "d"s backwards so maybe it's the same thing. Instructor accepted it and they figured out how to adjust - now she posts perfectly. DD may get there in a different way but she gets there - as long as the adults she's working with can understand its necessary.