Originally Posted by Tallulah
Not all children react that way. Some, especially girls, just fade into the class.
This is true. Many gifted kiddos, including identified kiddos, hide their gifts and talents. There are threads discussing this. It is not necessarily an identification issue. Rather, it may be students seeking social acceptance and inclusion. This may be an unfortunate side-effect of a society seeking ever greater educational, academic, and intellectual conformity/uniformity rather than valuing unique, creative, diverse intellectual positions.

... the child with behavioural issues gets the testing.
Prior to lists of common behavioral characteristics of gifted children being created, misbehaving children may not have often been tested for giftedness. The lists raised awareness. Is it your observation and experience that the pendulum has swung too far in the other direction... that only children with behavior issues are being tested?

Those kids are malcontents because of their IQ...
When you say this, what definition of "malcontent" are you working with?