personality... malcontents?
The Merriam-Webster definition of malcontent is "a person who is always or often unhappy or angry about something".

This definition may describe a person with a generally negative view who seeks to find fault with whatever is at hand in many circumstances. This may contrast sharply with a person frustrated with an issue, such as a poor fit with a learning environment: rebelliousness triggered by being steeped in repetition of material already mastered.

Lists of possible observable identifying characteristics of the gifted are only meant to help broaden one's thinking from the narrow, stereotypical, and historical view of "teacher's pet" as being gifted; Such lists were not intended to preclude "teacher's pet", compliant, or agreeable children from being identified as gifted.

There are differing cultural norms (and different adages such as "the nail that sticks out will get hammered down" and "tall poppy syndrome"). The wikipedia page about the adage "the squeaky wheel gets the grease" describes these briefly.