Originally Posted by delbows
How wonderful that your son has such a resourceful mom, perceptive teacher and cooperative special education team! I�m glad that you have a probable condition to focus on with the speech therapist.

Thanks Diana. I am happy to have a name for all of this. But we really don't have a "cooperative special education team" yet, just the speech pathologist being wonderfully receptive. Which is great--but I'm not going to count on anything in terms of services, because who knows what the school district might say or do. I am really clueless at this point as to how the whole SPED thing works, what they're required to do, etc. I'm just in wait-and-see mode (plus Research Research Research mode) until after speech pathologist does her evaluation.

The big unanswered question for me is, if he does have the Cluttering disorder, how does it affect his learning? Does it actually impair his learning? His grades are mostly A's--I think all A's on the most recent report card. So how can I say this is impairing his learning and he needs accommodations?

Big learning curve here for me....